
FAQ Logic Machine devices

2023-07-18 14:37:38

First time ModBus usage

Q: How can I determine if ModBus devices are online?

A: RTU scan will show all connected devices in the given address range. It will scan for up to 30 seconds so a large range might timeout before the full scan is complete. Devices marked red in the list cannot be read/written. Error log will tell you why read/write fails, most probably it’s a timeout meaning there’s a communication/wiring problem.

Maximum count of Modbus and Bacnet points on LM

Q: What is bacnet and modbus limit on LM5Lp2?

A: There is no limitation. Though we do not recommend to have more than 2000 objects on LM. In case of >4000 objects there might start problems will memory /web interface delays. For Bacnet we have a limitation for COV subscriptions – default is 256, max is 4000. If Bacnet client app is used on LM5, recommended maximum is 50 objects, but depending on type of devices, how often you need to need write/read, how quick reaction is necessary, you might work with up to 300 objects. 

Maximum count of Bluetooth connections

Q: How many BLE devices can be connected to one LogicMachine?
A: LM can handle up to 5 connections at a time, but it all depends on which devices as most sensors are read and then disconnected; some require streaming data so connection must remain open.

Variables in LogicMachine scripts

Q: Do I have to include libraries from User Libraries in other scripts? Also – I have discovered that a variable is global if it is placed outside a
function in a user library.
A: Each script is a separate process, so no variables are persistent between separate script instances. User libraries have “auto-load” feature so you don’t have to use require. Init script only applies to system start and is not used anywhere else after that. For true global variables storage must be used. Constants can be specified in your libraries since they will not change and all scripts can use the same value.